
We have always learned in our life, that all living beings are related to nature. Not only living beings but all man-made things are also related to Mother Earth. We can’t deny the fact everything on Earth is interrelated. So how does this work? It’s all give and take relationship, which not only applies to humans, but also to everything.

This is a cycle on Earth that everyone should be aware of. Humans and herbivorous are dependent on trees. Carnivores are dependent for food on herbivores. Food is dependent on soil and water. Water is part of the rain, not to avoid oxygen which is provided by trees. Not a single thing on the Earth is self-dependent.

If we talk about the current Covid situation, that’s all because man has not taken his duties seriously which are related to Earth. Humans are the most abundant species. They can control many things as they want. But sometimes we forget there are things too, which we can’t control.  As a result of this, every minority species has to suffer. Things are a little complicated now. We can’t find a direct correlation between things that are actually related to each other. Like the relationship of emotions of a person with the globe. An emotionally strong person can know what will be the impact of his kindness on various species living in the sphere. Hence making Earth a more valuable resource to live on.

We can look upon the positive side too. Tree plantation has always worked for all the creatures. We can’t live without oxygen. What we provide nature, always pays us back. We need to avoid harmful things, like plastic.

Moreover, everything can change and we can’t predict it. We have to be cautious about our actions. People are now aware of the needs of nature. We always need to improve to grow and have a good life.

This mechanism of interdependence teaches us to love Mother Earth, and also all the things which are living with us.

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