What is "Digital marketing"?

Digital Marketing” is generating a lot of buzz across various industries. The demand has grown massively since the implementation of the 1st lockdown in 2020 and has emerged as a trending skill-set. Because of the pandemic, most businesses have become dependent on digital services. Digital Marketing has different techniques. You can explore it according to your interest. Let us dive into the basics of digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?What is digital marketing?

Marketing is nothing but selling a product or service to the target customer thereby satisfying their needs. For instance, traditional marketing involves fieldwork, a door-to-door approach, a marketing mix, research etc. Due to the boom of technology, the utilization of smartphones, and computers are taking place enormously. This has resulted in a tremendous increase in the usage of smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Unlike traditional marketing which is majorly a ‘FACE-TO-FACE- communication process, digital marketing gives you an option to explore the market globally with the help of the internet. You can expand your customer base globally with no geographical restrictions whatsoever.

Different channels of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing consists of different channels through which businesses are promoted. There are various ways to implement a digital marketing strategy.

different methods of digital marketing

Below are some of the popular methods which are frequently used-

  1. SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This method of digital marketing helps you to rank your website or page in search engines. This technique is used to optimize the content of the website or page which intern results in the popping up of your website on the first page of the search results. To optimize the content of the website there are some factors like the use of ‘most searched keywords in your ‘content’, ‘length of the sentence’, ‘grammar’, and the likes.

This helps the search engine to rank the most optimized content.

For example, if you search about the best cafes in Mumbai, you will get a list of sites and you will visit the sites which appear on the first page itself. It is highly unlikely that you will navigate to the second page of the search results since you will have already found what you were looking for on the first page itself. This is an important technique for any online business. Hence, it's important to optimize your content.

2. SEM

SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. You are already of the concept of SEO. SEO and SEM are both interrelated to each other. SEO optimizes the content whereas SEM increases the brand visibility in the search engines. SEM is a digital marketing technique that aims at increasing the brand visibility of the website by the CPC( Cost Per Click method). SEM attracts traffic with the help of SEO or advertisements running for the site.

Advertisements that are paid for your website help you to occupy the space in search engine result pages which aid in attracting more audience to your designated site. Let us get acquainted with the process of SEM. You need to run paid ads for your websites. When the consumers search for the keywords which are on your website it runs ads in SERPs ( Search Engine Result Pages). You would be charged when the consumer clicks on your ad. This technique helps you to generate more traffic for your website in less time and also maximizes your brand visibility.

3. PPC

As we have discussed in the above-mentioned technique that the business can run their paid ads to generate more users to their websites. You will be charged when the user will click the ad or the link. PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. There are various things you need to consider before running ads. You need to look for optimization of your content on the websites and then run a relevant campaign. With the right use of keywords and optimization of the content, you can achieve good results from your PPC campaign.


E-mail is one of the oldest methods to communicate with the audience. In email marketing, it is important to attract customers to open their mail. This aids in generating leads or signups to your channel. There can be different email marketing campaigns depending on the nature of the business. The different types of emails can be subscribing to the YouTube channel, subscribing to the newsletter for blogs, sales emails or emails to get acquainted with the website.


affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way to earn a profit or commission via making a sale of the product or service. Affiliate marketing comprises 4 different mediums, they consist of:

  • MERCHANT: The merchant can be a website selling various products and services or it can be a person selling a product or service.
  • AFFILIATE: An affiliate is a person who promotes the affiliate link of the merchant. He earns a share or profit after making a sale through the affiliate link.
  • CUSTOMER: The customer is the one who clicks on the promoted affiliated link and purchases the product. It is the one who helps the affiliate to earn his commission.
  • MEDIUM OR NETWORK: The network or medium serves as the mediator between this system. The medium can be a blog, social media, etc.

You can find various resources that provide affiliate programs. Some of them are amazon associates, click bank, etc.


In digital marketing, an important role is played by the content of the business. Content marketing is delivering the content to the audience, according to the customer's interests. This helps you to connect to your audience. It can be a blog, video or social media post.


Native marketing is running ads in a post format. You may have seen various posts on Facebook or Instagram while scrolling through your feed. These posts resemble native ads. These ads can also appear in the form of recommendations after reading a blog.


social media

Social media is everywhere!! It has become a major aspect of our lives. The first thing we do after waking up is to go through our social media feed. Social media is a great medium for promoting products and services. Its popularity and cost-effectiveness have made it a great medium for targeting and attracting the audience. You can even run ads on Facebook to capture your target audience. You can also increase your brand reach through social media.

 Benefits of digital marketing

As digital marketing is a wide field to explore it gives different options to experiment with your business. This can be an additional benefit for your business.

Some of the benefits are:

  1. Spread your business worldwide
  2. Impressive ROI
  3. Cost-effective
  4. Connect with your target customers efficiently
  5. Adaptability
  6. Enhance your customer relationship

Words from the expert

Get additional insights into digital marketing from the expert. The link for your perusal is attached below:

Introduction to Digital Marketing | Learn Google Digital Marketing Course | Online Marketing | - YouTube


Image source: www.freepik.com pixabay.com

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